Uploading ncbi hierarchy data

First you need to download the ncbi dump files first.

Go to ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/taxonomy/

When you unzip the file, you will see the available data.

Load up the c# project at https://github.com/Lassesen/Microbiome2/tree/master/UploadTaxHier

Modify the DB Configuration string to point to your database. Run the application with the location of the dmp files above.

After the upload, we see the number of records that we have

That’s it! If you want to do periodic updates, I will leave that to the reader to do (and add a pull request). Remember this is open source!

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B.Sc., M.Sc. In Statistics with thesis topic doing medical statistics. ex-High School General Science Teacher . Berg Science Seminar gifted child program in High School, so reading medical journals since 15 y.o. combined with weekly lectures from Professors. Done Statistics , Artificial Intelligence and machine learning professionally -- including for Microsoft and Amazon. Due to family and personal experience with autoimmune and microbiome, have expanded my knowledge in that area.

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